How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed? | Maune Raichle Law Firm
Although it is relatively easy to find mesothelioma information online, mesothelioma itself is not easy to diagnose. A chest x-ray may show a buildup of fluid in the lining around the lung. The doctor may order a CT scan for further evaluation. A CT scan can also determine if fluid has built up inside the lungs.
How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?
Maune Raichle Law Firm
After the CT scan, the doctor may perform a biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis. A tissue sample taken from the lung will be reviewed under a microscope to determine if the tumor is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
Once diagnosed, "stages" describe the extent of malignant pleural mesothelioma and determine the best course of treatment. One system of "stages" is the TNM system. This system describes the size of the tumor (T), if the lymph nodes are involved (N), and if cancer has metastasized, or spread to other areas of the body (M).
At Stage 1, the cancerous growth is in the lining of the lungs, heart or abdomen. Stage 2 is when the mesothelioma has moved from the lining into the lymph nodes. In Stage 3 the cancer has spread into the chest wall, heart, diaphragm, or stomach. Stage 4 is the most serious stage, when the cancer has spread to organs such as the liver, pancreas or colon.
Don't let yourself get stuck with an mesothelioma attorney that you don't like just because they are local; we can help clients all across the country. Please contact us for more information.
If you are a loved one and interested in pursuing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit, please contact us for more information.
We often get results in seven months or less. We can help you protect your family and get the compensation you deserve. Call The Maune Raichle Law Firm: 1-800-358-5922
